Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Who should King Kong be squeezing???

Help! Identify just exactly WHO should King Kong be squeezing. This is for my tomato art collage and the setting is Nashville, TN during the flood. Post comments here or email:


  1. Catherine McTamaney or Alan Murdock for their efforts to organize volunteers for East Nashville during the flood.

  2. Some suggestions so far posted on my facebook wall: a tomato, the statue of Athena, the ghost of Kenneth Schermerhorn, and an Opry star. Can't wait to hear more!

  3. How about Little Jimmy Dickens in his palm and the Ghost Ballet sculpture in his other hand?

  4. Thank you for all the wonderful ideas!!!!!

    Some suggestions from the East Nashville List Serve: sump pump, Willie Nelson, Landotter, a Yazoo, an "I Dream of Winnie" dog,

    Some more suggestions from facebook: Mini Pearl, Dolly Parton, Guitars, and another vote for Demetria
